Monday, March 18, 2013

lets be more organised.

salam everyone..
for the past few years..this has been one of my new years resolution..
to be more organised..
but i still failed..

however, i have found few tools that i think will help me..insha allah..

1) bag organiser

this is so useful especially when u have a big handbag...well my days of bringing small handbags are over after having kids..hehe..even though the kids bag is so spacious.i still feel comfortable bringing some of the things in my handbag.

i do find this organiser helpful so that its easy to find things in the bag..xdelah meraba raba cari brg dlm bag always happen to hubby gave me car keys and parking ticket..i end up searching for it in my bags for minutes..haha.

many brands of organisers are available in the market.mine is from gin and jacque.they have few compartments, for pens,lipsticks, purse and many more.. i just love the choices of colours..mine in purple, my fav colour!

2)daily planner or to do list

ok ..i know its 2013! we have our smartphone to jot down all this things to do list , me naive..or backdated..hehe..but i still love writing it down on a paper..thats why i have this daily planner and to do notes...remind me of things to do,chores,etc ..
when we multitask, sometimes we kinda forget few things.(im getting older ...)
i bought both of this from MPH Bookstore.
Insha allah later will customised this stationary from  Dear Azalea..suka sgt the designs from Dear Azalea. U can visit their facebook page.

i hope with this new tools i have..will help me be more organised....=)

Lots of love,Azween

Friday, March 8, 2013

Never too far away...

salam everyone.

before i forget , just want to wish every woman reader, "happy women's day!"
We are so special....we have our own day..hehe..i dont think there is men's day..

im still in the melancholy phase...the usual phase after sending my hubby to airport.
It has been my routine since 3+ years ago..sending my hubby to airport every month.
I think most of you knew about my story.but to those who dont, let me recap or summarise it.

my husband works at petronas methanol labuan since he's back from UK 4 years ago.
We were in long distance relationship..he was sent to labuan, and i stucked at hospital kajang to complete my internship..after nearly 2 years of LDR, i decided to make a big decision in my career. I decided to transfer to Labuan, just to be close to my hubby. My lil girl was 7 months at that time.

After 1 year and 7 months reunited as family in labuan, we went back to LDR. I was accepted to masters program in UM, so i had to go back to semenanjung. Hubby was happy for me, but at the same time both of us were a bit skeptical about the decision since we will be staying far away..AGAIN..
i was 4 months pregnant (our 2nd child) at that time.... Discussions...istiqarah..and tawakal....
At lasts, we decided its Allah qada n qadar ....Aiman said,why not just go with the flow..
.And til now.. we're still in LDR..if all of you wonder, let me give u a clue...Arissa will be 3 years old this coming May. and Ammar is now 5months++.

People kept on do we managed to do it? My answer will always be.." it was never easy."
i would be lying if i say im ok with it..neither of us are OK with that fact...but we keep on going and believing that great things will happen to people who are patient..

sometimes i envy people who can wake up every morning besides their times, i do break down n cry...that is the time when i turn to Allah ,it helps to make me feel better.
So, enough with my i wanted to share tips on how to deal with LDR?
This is based on my personal experience and readings...

1)  Communication
- let it be skype, video calls, calls, sms,whatsapp....dont let distance make u feel that u cannot communicate or cannot share stories...

2) Keep yourself busy.
- if u have children, spend quality time with them. If u have a hobby, do keep yourself occupied with it.

3) Keep calm and Have Faith
always have faith in your spouse. always think that he/she in the other end is always missing u badly.
Have faith in Allah SWT. ..Allah knows we can handle these obstacles. Never stop praying ..always make doa..

4) Patience
- this is something im trying to learn. haha..i always questioned Aiman.." bila nak transfer?"
"bila nak balik sini?"
i know sometimes he is also annoyed..hehe....but he always replied calmly.. "inshaa Allah soon.never stop praying k"
I am trying to be more patient, insha Allah..

5) Appreciate the quality time together
My husband came back sometimes only for a short trip (4 days only) or sometimes for a longer period (2 weeks..yeay!!) So when you have the chance to see each other, spend it wisely =)

6) Be positive 
Always reset your mind, everything going to be alright. Everything is OK..Negativity will only make u far apart. I do watch motivational talk occasionally,especially from Prof Dr Muhaya.

7) Be grateful Always.. 
-this is what my mom always taught me and keep reminding me..

"always bersyukur, ada orang yang lebih teruk dari kita"

everytime i complain hubby jauh, mom will say, u are more lucky than orang lain yang hubby kena kerja overseas yang hanya boleh balik 3 months sekali...or setahun sekali..

Hope my tips will be useful for anyone in LDR. but as i said, it was never easy...but we must keep on going.
Life is too short to be sad or frowning..hehe. Why not be happy instead and be grateful of what we have,right? =) Im grateful of what i have, a loving and understanding husband...and 2 kids =)

this is our latest picture (4 of us). Abang sayang, i miss u already!XOXO

Thursday, December 20, 2012

i love peach!

me wearing peach ladorn shawl
hi n assalamualaikum everyone.

time flies baby boy is already 2mnths ++.. my little girl
 (who called herself "kakak"..hehe)  is 2 n 1/2 yrs already.
.oh,how i felt the title of this entry,im going to share about my favourite colour ! my current favourite..PEACH..

i do love peach or soft pink..i used to have lots of clothes in this colour,but when i started to gain weight after my miscarriage middle of 2011, i stopped wearing them...

i think, most of u know my story about my weight loss sucess..alhamdulilah,im still maintaining my weight =) even though dah habis pantang and i have started to eat everything that i feel like eating..teringin itulah..teringin ini lah..hehe..

So now, i love peach again =) coz i dont look fat in it anymore. bila bdn chubby, asyik pakai dark colours im happy n more confident wearing light colours, especially white n peach ..
i bought myself a beautiful peach long shawl from ladorn..want to find beautiful outfit to go with it..anyone knows where to find pretty,elegant nice shirt or blouse in let me know! =)

 pic at fitting room

Friday, November 23, 2012

Its my weight loss lies....

Salam everyone..what a beautiful friday evening..
weekend is coming soon..hope all of you enjoy your weekend..

As requested by many..friends ,relatives & collegues..i have updated my blog..
to share the secrets of my weight many of u are excited, i am also excited and still cant believe it myself ..whatever it is,im thankful to Allah SWT that make all of this happen too.

As most of u know,i just delivered a baby boy on 29th Sept 2012. In total, i have lost 11kgs in 1 month..(more than the 1st pregnancy). This are few of my pictures before i transform..
few days before delivery
day 4..with the kids

day 4 after deliver..besarnya paha =(

 i believe that we dont lose weight by ONLY 1 WAY ...many factors contributes to the sucess of weight loss. I hope it does help my readers too,insya Allah.. SHARING is CARING..


 for the first 30days of confinement, i mmg ikut pantang makan n minum. I dont drink cold water,only hot drinks for me. I didnt eat the cold stuffs including fruits yg sejuk..

I had the confinement lady only for 5 days, with the tungku, berurut,mandi herba.After that,i just continue with bengkung ..but i didnt use the normal bengkung yang kena ikat tali byk2 tu...I use waist nipper premium beautiful..senang nak pakai..orang yang caesarean pun advisable to pakai..
my meals during pantang

tapi after the 30days pantang, i tak control pun makan. breastfeeding makes u hungry all the time, so i even take 6 meals per day. i tak diet pun or skip meals. I also take lots of chocs n cakes (my fav food)..hehe


i drink lots of water..when i meant lots, many people didnt believe me. i drink 3 litres of water everyday (only plain water). Orang tua2 pantang kata x boleh minum air byk, but the bidan urut told me we need to drink lots of water to reduce weight n for breast milk production.

apart from 3 litres of plain water, i drank hot milo/horlicks/hot cocoa and also juices.

plain water


good digestion is also important to lose weight. if u have problems with indigestion & constipation, ur weight loss process is slower. So i drink nestle nesvita oat drink once a day or nestle bliss 1 cup a day .I only take nestle bliss yogurt drink after pantang because its cold drinks. Many other choices of fibre drinks like lactolite drink. As long as u "go" once a day is fairly good enough!


my fav spot for breastfeeding n pumping session
Many people said breastfeeding helps to lose weight. It works for some people, and does not for many. It is subjective. But i do fully breastfeed my child and also frequent consistent pumping. Breastmilk is the best gift a mom could give to their newborn child. So, support fully breastfeeding ,ok?


This is the best thing that i have invested in! =) Mmg corset ni mahal, but sgt2 berbaloi.
im not saying this sbb i am pb seller, but as a satisfied customer..
Alhamdulilah, tummy cepat kempis..production susu makin byk..breasts x jatuh...lose weight faster.
my back pain sgt2 reduced!
and most importantly, back to anak dara shape!
During the confinement period,i wear it 8 hours a day..sometimes longer! 
After confinement, i still wears it to keep body in shape..

my pb set


i dont do much of i just climb up & down the stairs at least 5 times a day (after habis pantang). 

I also do breeze walking with my lil girl, arissa dlm house compound je..everyday!

I guess not much secret, kan? =) hope it helps you as much as it helps me..alhamdulilah, now im way below my pre pregnancy weight. turun lagi 2 kg, i will be my pre wedding weight. (anak dara balik..hehe).My hubby yg byk puji n noticed the difference, he is now on diet sbb nak catch up with my weight loss..=)

My waist pun shrink now..from size 30 (inches) before only 25.5 inches..i need NEW  pairs of jeans n pants now..

this is the latest me! 

11kgs in a month! =)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Arrival of Our New Bundle of joy!

its been 2 weeks ++ now..i've been a bit busy with 2 kids around the house,didnt have much time to blog about my new baby boy earlier...
 alhamdulilah, the delivery is much easier than my first delivery..
ive prepared myself earlier too, as early as 36 weeks. Keep on asking for tips from friends too..
i started taking air kelapa muda coconut oil.. since 37 weeks..
Also started window shopping (err..i mean walking a lot..hehe), climbing up stairs...

during my 38 weeks appointment at sdmc..i had regular contractions, but my cervix was only 2cm dilated and still thick..Dr delaila told me to come back once the contraction becoming more frequent and intense..I went back home and the contraction was there on and off,but couldnt sleep well that night. I had bloody show from afternoon til that night..

so the next day, me n aiman decided to go to SDMC..i was admitted to the labour room.but CTG shows that my contractions become irregular..So dr delaila decided to induced me to help me with labor. At first,i didnt want any epidural..because i had bad experience during my first delivery, i had overdose of epidural until i cant push and cant even feel my felt like being paralysed half body...So, this time, i told the anaesth..i want to feel the contraction a lil least i know how to push the baby out.

and indeed..i felt the contraction a lil..and when my cervix was dilated til 8-9cm, i could feel sharp pain at my left side pelvic bone  until i shivered and cried...i Told hubby,i cant stand the pain and he called the nurse.. Nurse told me, it could be pressure pain (as the baby's head went down). So she checked me again, i was already fully dilated.. (from 8cm to fully dilated in just 30mins)

They called dr delaila n she came in 10 mins after that..i had 4 nurses around me like cheerleaders. ."1..2...3....push"  Hubby was besides me all the way,reciting doa together with me..I pushed hard twice,but baby didnt come out..Dr delaila told me, baby's head is in left occiput transverse position. She adviced me for vaccum, to turn the position of baby's head. I was in pain, so i agreed..

Dr D : patut baby u tak u left occiput transverse..i guna vaccum ye, sbb if u push jugak, susah baby nak kluar in this position.

(no wonder sakit belah kiri everytime contraction)

Me: ok..ok...anything.... as long as the baby is out..

then she inserted the vacuum, after 2 push, baby is out.. i could hear my baby cries ..i was so relieved coz the pain dissapear immediately after ..i was so tired,i only had a glimpse at my baby...he's quite small from my 1st baby. He only weigh 2.79 kg.. When the nurses placed my baby boy on my chest, i could see him clearly..My lil baby boy!

Thank u allah for the experience of labor..i had the chance to feel both painless labour (my 1st pregnancy) and painful labour (this time) ..Its amazing experience that only a mom could understand =)

Friday, September 21, 2012


hi mommies.. SYAWAL just ended...but the jovian mandagie raya collection craze is still being the talk of the town..especially on facebook.. this is because jovian has launched his aidiladha collection during his jovian raya open house recently

me, like most of the girls out sure very keen n excited to wear this designer outfit..its so affordable for a very talented fashion designer..but as most of u now in my 3rd trimester of my 2nd pregnancy...even though i would really love to have his beautiful raya collection (at least ...1) ,i cant really decide which size i would fit after it M or L?

the other day, i surf the and was so excited to see the jovian aidiladha collection are also available there...but oh dear, i was wondering... would i fit into M size after delivery? what if i didnt get my shape back?

or maybe i will become a bigger size,L perhaps? Hehe..dalam hati bersemangat nak kurus after delivery..well i really2 cant wait to see this baby also get back into shape..x sabar nak pakai PB nanti masa pantang! at the same time would want to eat healthy again..hehe

so, for now..i can only drool on the JOVIAN MANDAGIE collection..#sigh# maybe its not my rezeki yet....its ok =)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


salam everyone..since i'll be starting my masters program tommorow, i start to panic or worry!so in the midst of the night,i would like to share with u some of my relaxation technique..=)

u know..sometimes we got panic of something..(exams/failure/when u did something wrong..) , or got angry at someone...we need to find ways that can calm ourselves

some people find it in the face of their loved ones..some indulge in good food...i just want to share what i do to calm myself..if i panic or angry...

"manjakan diri mu" doesnt mean u have to spend much,ok? if u are on  tight budget, just a simple body massage or neck massage also helps =)

2) MUSIC...

some people like a slow ballad to calm themselves..some like upbeat music (the choice is yours)

 ..i love my shower at home, the water trickling down slowly...when i close my eyes,i find it so relaxing ..

 (oh,this is one of my fav...but usually i end up buying something on impulse..which is not good..because in the end, the thiing u buy on impulse may not be what u really need)

5)  Sweet IndulGence...
i love indulge myself in yummy choc cake or baskins robbins ice cream..or anything which equals to the yummyness & sweetness..hehe.. (but this is not advisable ,cause it;s not healthy..once in a while its ok)

6) Hot tea

im not a tea person previously...but when i tried ahmad tea from london, i just fell in love with tea.
the light flavour can calm u down fav is english breakfast n earl grey

7) memories..from pictures
- i love to check my camera/hp album when im angry/panic...when i see pics of my family,especially my cheeky daughter, all the worries seems to fly away..small things in life that make a great difference!

8)  hugs & kisses
- some research shows that hugs can calm u down..especially during bad comes from a friend, family, loved ones..i just love HUGS.especially from my hubby + cute daughter !

9) SOLAT...& Zikir
mom always reminded me since i was a teenager til now..
she said to me, "ween, never forget allah ,please pray on time...if u forget HIM or delay ur prayer, allah also will delay his blessings and also forget us.."

solat is a good way to calm ourselves..n dont forget to just take a silent moment for musahabah diri.
.(think of what good n bad things u did today) and cry if u must,if it makes u feel better...

10) blogging & Diary
- when i was in school years, i love to write diary..good & bad memories were jot down..if i panic,or angry..once i wrote what i feel,it makes me feel much2 better..for some people, they blog it ..for me, if its too personal,i wont blog it for the world to read it..i just write it down in my personal diary! =)

it was written randomly...the sequence of no does mean anything! anyway,hope it helps u too..
take care!