Saturday, April 2, 2011

Memories are meant to be shared

sorry for not updating my new blog..been tied up with work,etc..2010 has been a great year for me..
i hope 2011 will bring more happiness,joy,success and health ..

this are the summary of my 2010..

My twin sister got married this was a sweet n beautiful wedding..akad nikah at home and reeption at concorde hotel..i was 7months pregnant at that time,this explains the chubbiness of my face..hehe..

it was also my 26th birthday, we celbrated it (all 6 of us..including the newly weds) at san francisco pizza..


thanks my dearest friends and sister for organizing my baby shower before i deliver..
i love it sooo much..the food was delicious, good company =)


An addition to our small family,my daughter..arissa maisara..born on 6th may,via vacuum at SDMC..I choose the name arissa which means strong ,aiman choose maisara which means happiness..thanks hubby for being there in the labour room for nearly 1/2 day..


june is a busy month for my confinement days are well occupied with lots of activities.

1) aki 's 80th grand birthday celebration

2)  first wedding anniversary (belated celebration)
 a simple celebration.just the two of us at hilton kl..

 3) my bestfriend's wedding (alia weds fazli)

a very sweet couple united as hubby n wife..

lil arissa's white pink..sweet n simple ceremony..thanks everyone for coming..most people loves the small buai n deco..

our first raya with lil arissa..kecoh jugak..susah nak bagi dia pakai baju kurung..hehe..

  im officially an auntie of arianna sofea,azwa's littls girl.the fun part  is we have out girls day out with ibu in the afternoon n she has labour symptoms that night.

i was transferred to labuan november was sad to part from my family..especially to part my 7months old daughter with her grandparents that took care of her since birth...

My mom's birthday..i celebrated it from far by sending her a bouquet of glad she likes it =) also bought her a handbag..

december  also is a sad month as i got to know that one of my good friend finally died after few years battling with cancer,lymphoma.. he is a dear friend that i looked up to ,because of his strong determination during his battle with cancer..he is mas afzal ..alfatihah~

it has been a good year and i will cherish every moments in my life  forever..

1 comment:

  1. masyaAllah so many good things happen in ur life..alhamdulillah...

    now lil arissa dh besar yea...suke tgk's labuan ween?
